
You'll relish every spoonful

Classic Softies

  • Vanilla classic..........................

    Indulge in the simply sweet, classic treat of nature's finest vanilla.

  • Choco top...................................

    Enjoy the perfect harmony of classic vanilla softy wrapped in luxurious hardening chocolate.

  • Choco eclair.............................

    Savor the classic vanilla
    softy enveloped in tantalizing
    ribbons of fudge sauce.

  • Butterscotch sundae...............

    Experience the delightful blend of classic vanilla notty wrapped in homemade butterscotch sauce, topped with roasted Cashew and drizzled with praline.

  • Strawberry sundae..................

    Refresh yourself with the summery blend of classic vanilla softy and tangy strawberry crush.

  • Mango sundae............................

    Let your taste buds run wild with the explosion of mango on our Xclassic.

  • Energy sundae...........................

    Energize your day with the classic vanilla softy topped with invigorating choco malt sauce and crunchy crumbs

  • Fig o honey sundae....................

    Enjoy the perfect harmony of
    classic vanilla softy wrapped in luxurious hardening chocolate.

  • Berry me chocolate..................

    Discover the perfect balance of flavors in this vanilla ice cream topped with tangy raspberry jam and rich chocolate fudge.

  • Nutty crunch.............................

    Treat yourself to the exquisite combination of classic vanilla softy, luscious fudge: sauce, roasted cashew, and hard chocolate

Discover Happiness in
Every Scoop

Create a boomerang that focuses on the initial presentation of an ice cream being served. Capture the moment when the ice cream is handed over to a customer with a cheerful smile.